Womxn's History Month: Eva Chen

Next up on our womxn’s history feature, we’re highlighting Eva Chen, former Editor-In-Chief for Lucky magazine and current Head of Fashion Partnerships at Instagram.
Eva majored in pre-med during college with plans to become a doctor, when a spur idea to take the summer off and apply to a crazy internship landed her at Harper’s Baazar where she was introduced to a career in fashion editorial. After her internship, Eva wasn’t able to land a job in editorial so she worked in a law firm with the plan to become a lawyer. While preparing for the LSAT, she landed a beauty assistant position using her Haper’s Bazzar contacts. She stayed there for three years before moving to Teen Vogue where she worked as a beauty editor for seven years. Eva moved to Los Angeles with her husband and continued to do contract work for Teen Vogue in New York. During this time, Eva became the youngest editor-in-chief at age 33 when she was brought on by Anna Wintour to head Lucky magazine. As an early adapter of social media, Eva used her experience to transition to tech as Head of Fashion Partnerships at Instagram. She applies her experience and knowledge to guide various brands on their Instagram strategy and activations. In addition to her career in media, Eva also became a children’s author in 2018 with the launch of her first book, Juno Valentine and the Magical Shoes in 2018. Eva is a true representation of shaping your own role.